- 15 oz unsweetened coconut milk
- 4 tbsp powdered sugar or maple syrup
- 1/2 teasp vanilla extract
- 3-4 tbsp unsweetened dark chocolate cocoa powder
- Toppings of choice - cocoa nibs , fresh fruit, nuts, shredded coconut (optional)
- Place the can of full-fat coconut milk in the fridge overnight for at least 24 hours.
- Chill a small-medium size bowl in the freezer for a few minutes.
- Once you are ready to whip, remove the can from the fridge without shaking it.
- Slowly turn it upside down, and then open the can.
- You will see the liquid coconut milk (the part that did not solidify) will now be at the top of the can. Slowly pour out this liquid into a bowl or cup.
- This coconut milk liquid is not used in this recipe, you can save it to make a smoothie.
- The part that remains is the hardened coconut cream.
- Scoop out this coconut cream into the chilled bowl
- Using a stand mixer or a electric hand mixer, beat until fluffy.
- Start on low speed and work your way up to a higher speed
- Add the sweetener, vanilla extract, and cocoa powder and continue to beat.
- Sprinkle with any toppings and serve immediately
- Or store in the fridge in an air-tight container.